Dear President Obama,
Before midday, Wednesday, May 8th, America was a different place. Millions of our people in all states were living in torment. They'd not only spent their young lives hiding who they were, they'd grown up to discover they had to hide who they loved.
How could that have ever fit the promise of "the pursuit of happiness?"
When you announced your support of same sex marriage, you did more
than listen to your heart. You listened to the impassioned voices of
millions of our citizens -- gay, straight, family members, lovers, your
own circle of friends -- and you made the journey to this historic
And I can't help but hope that, by your example, others will look into their hearts and make that same journey.
Yes, this transforming event is about love. But it is also about life
and death. We read daily about children and teenagers who are dying on
the battlefield of homophobia, mocked for who they are and what they
feel. Taunted and bullied for what they hold in their hearts. And driven
to end their own lives because of it.
But now the leader of our nation has sent out the message that we,
the people, acknowledge their right to be who they are, love who they
want to love, and live with dignity and pride.
Thank you, Mr. President, for this remarkable triumph.
Marlo Thomas source: huffpost
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