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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Santorum Reflavored for Easter

From Christwire  (CW Santorum)

"This glorious Easter holiday, let’s take back the noble name of Santorum! Let Santorum mean something both beautiful, wondrous and evocative! As a special patriotic feature, we have chosen to respect the Senator’s home state of Pennsylvania by unequivocally and permanently declaring: From this day forward, Santorum will hereby mean a savory mix of milk, potato chips and brook trout!"


"Rick’s Sugar Bunnies are the answer to your prayers! Not only are they stuffed with bursts of gooey, frothy Santorum-flavoring, they’re also delightfully shaped like bunny rabbits! Most thrilling of all, they’re uniquely crafted to invite great fun for the whole family!

Nothing says luck like rabbits! Teens will trade them for hugs and tugs! Pop a ripe one between Uncle Kevin’s lips and watch him gulp it in! Thank Cousin Sally for all her hard work and with a thick, creamy surprise! Hide one in your pocket and ask Nephew Timmy to find that extra spongy Easter package you’ve got specially for him! Mother might even enjoy a golden Santorum sparkle in her mouth at the end of a long night!

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